A little introduction

Mar 16, 2006 14:01

So here we are at the start of my spiffy LJ. I think the best way to start is with an introduction.

Before we start, I'm not in to any kind of voodoo religeous belief system but it just so happens, this short passage from a book, describes me to Nth degree.

(When you see "32/5s", it's basically referring to me.)

Those on the 32/5 or 23/5 life path are here to work through issues related to independence, emotional honesty and cooperation, finally experiencing freedom through discipline and depth of experience. Since our life path presents hurdles to overcome, both 32/5s and 23/5s confront internal challenges, tendencies and conflicts in areas of dependence and independence, responsibility and honest expression of emotion.

Individuals working 32/5 or 23/5 are nearly identical in terms of the fundamental energies of their birth number, the only difference being the reversed order of the 3 and 2. Most 23/5s tend to be late bloomers, taking longer to come into their confidence due to the more predominant 3 energy, with its issues of sensitivity and self doubt; they also have stronger fears along with stronger drive towards expression than 32/5s.
Most 32/5s have deeper issues around cooperation than their counterparts; they tend to give their all for someone, even letting go pf their own multifaceted identity and chameleon like, adapting to the values , interests, and desires of their partner. Then, somewhere down the line, to the degree they have ignored their own needs, they may withdraw emotionally or become resentful.

This is not to say 32/5s don't display the self doubt of 23/5s or that 23/5s don't have the issues around cooperation of their 32/5 counterparts, but the relative influence of 2 and 3 energies differs in each case based on their position in the birth number.
Both 32/5s and 23/5s are here to experience true freedom. The phrase true freedom implies the idea of false freedoms - for example, self indulgence, irresponsibility or license - when 32/5s or 23/5s insist on doing whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it. Only those 32/5s and 23/5s who have not yet matured into a more positive expression of 5 strive for such "freedom".

The freedom sought by most 32/5s and 23/5s manifest as a drive to experience and know; this freedom entails a sense of mobility in different arenas of life - physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual and financial. Those working 32/5 or 23/5 seek to explore opportunities and find adventure where they can, whether in life, in books or at the movies.

Sometimes the drive for experience is so strong that 32/5s and 23/5s end up trying to juggle too many things to avoid missing an opportunity and end up feeling scattered or depleted. Many 32/5s, in particular burn their candle at both ends. While 23/5s may have less confidence at first and 32/5s are more likely to overreach their limits, both are quick learners, living by their wits, with varied abilities and experience.

Both 32/5s and 23/5s can sometimes focus obsessively on whatever they are doing and lose sight of the bigger picture. Like all 5s, they need discipline, focus and a sense of priorities to help free themselves. The ultimate freedom 32/5s and 23/5s seek is internal - the freedom to be themselves, the freedom from self doubt, the freedom from fear. Only by establishing this internal sense of expansiveness can they feel the fulfilment of their destiny in the external world. However, one way to generate internal freedom is by facing outer experience. Since the external world reflects the world of our psyche, by tackling outer challenges, both 32/5s and 23/5s have a chance to confront and transcend the issues of self-doubt and cooperation that bind them. Adventures, whether large or small, serve them well as they stretch their limits, take some emotional risks, and explore their capacities.

The energy of 2, which sometimes tends toward over cooperation, combined with the dramatic energies of 3 and 5, can generate a kind of "martyr complex". These people want to save people, save the world and fight for freedom. The more dramatic the means the better. Writing to congressional representatives just isn't enough for them. They prefer drama - both on television and in real life.

Since 32/5s and 23/5s tend to be quick-witted, fast learners, they also get bored easily. Boredom is their personal hell. If things get boring, they generally stir up a little drama of their own. Ultimately, the freedom they seek entails illumination and spiritual liberation - expanding their consciousness to the point where the universe becomes their playground. At this point, their body no longer feels like a prison, because they have cultivated their visual imagination and their innate clairvoyant (clear-seeing) abilities and can "travel" far beyond the confines of their body.

Most 5s have explored many areas of life. The liability is that they get a broad range of experience, but a relatively shallow one. Through discipline and focus, both 32/5s and 23/5s enter the depths of experience, going into a few areas deeply enough that they discover the spiritual laws that underlie all aspects of life; in doing so, they find a deeper sense of freedom. Without such discipline, 32/5s or 23/5s tend to skim the surface or get scattered trying to do everything at once. By focusing their energies and attention - by setting clear priorities and sticking with them - they go deeper into the experience of freedom.

Just as 2s tend to swing back and forth between the extremes of under cooperation and over cooperation, 32/5s and 23/5s tend to swing between the extremes of dependence and independence. Ultimately, they need to find a comfortable balance. They achieve this balance by allowing themselves to explore each extreme, learning about independence through examining their dependency issues, for example. They may find themselves dependant on others as a result of an accident, an illness or a financial setback, or they may actively create a dependant relationship because of doubts or insecurity about their ability to take care of themselves. Their challenge is to use these experiences to re-establish a healthy balance of independence and appropriate interdependence - in the sense of being able to receive from others.

Out of insecurity, both 32/5s and 23/5s tend to hide behind their social roles. They benefit from remembering that they are more than the roles they play. Their ability to bluff or role-play enables 32/5s and 23/5s to manipulate others consciously and unconsciously, using emotions such as anger to get their way.

Whether they spend their weekends going safari or watching the soaps, skydiving or taking care of children, 32/5s and 23/5s have a vivacious quality, a renaissance view of the world. Even if they haven't yet experienced their adventurous or freedom-oriented qualities, sooner or later, in their own way, when they come into their full confidence, 32/5s and 23/5s can discover the potential of their lives, the depth, and the boundless state of freedom within.

Working 32/5 or 23/5 in the Negative:

Feeling insecure, these individuals manipulate and control others, usually by getting angry or by withdrawing. Or they try too hard to please others and later resent others for their own imbalance. They unintentionally create situations in which they become dependant on someone or something, such as drugs or money. They give away their freedom or limit their experience out of fear and self doubt. Scattered and quickly bored, they are emotional con artists. Lacking clear boundaries, they play different roles or experience different selves through television or books. Addicted to dramas of one kind or another, they remain at the mercy of their search for varied experience.

Working 32/5 or 23/5 in the Positive:

Feeling free inside, unbounded by limiting beliefs or fears, these multifaceted individuals are willing to take emotional risks. "Adventurers in daily life", they may or may not choose to go white water rafting or skydiving, but they have developed the discipline to dig deeply into life, into the heart of experience, rather than just skim the surface. Passionate and adventurous, like Zobra the Greek, they teach by example and excitement. With their quick minds, they see and describe life in new ways. They have formed good habits and enjoy variety within a daily routine. Clever, witty, and fun loving, they make the ordinary into something extraordinary.

Book ISBN #: 091581160X
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