what amuses me is the ability to fit OS X into the minature phone. AND all the ambient lighting and sensors when you take your phone out in the sun or when you rotate your phone and stuff. While the 2MP cammy is likely to disappoint many users, there are other impressive features that current phones don't have. widgets!
i guess when it arrives in 2008, the cammy specifications will change. I am pretty sure that it would since there are changes to the Core2Duos that secretly had the ability to sport N+ wireless standards. And Apple TV had some changes too prior to macworld annoucements last year.
Will a parallel import work? :(
Darned, and I was just abt to auction off my P990i.
iPhone will surely work seemlessly with all Macs :)
i guess when it arrives in 2008, the cammy specifications will change. I am pretty sure that it would since there are changes to the Core2Duos that secretly had the ability to sport N+ wireless standards. And Apple TV had some changes too prior to macworld annoucements last year.
Yayness to revolutionary iPhones.
I'm now debating whether to get rid of my P990i now in anticipation of the iPhone. Darned, and I just got a new 2G nano too!
Maybe i really should be good and wait till 2008 instd of begging people to smuggle it in from USA when it starts selling there
now those starhub guys should have one working with apple now. haha
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