May 09, 2005 14:01
Howdy, So I went to Cali for a week to see my grandpa. He's doing so much better. My Mom said he's starting to take a few walking stepps. I missed everyone. I didn't want to come back so soon. My grandpa was like no I don't want you to leave. I had to though cuz. Mema had Josslin and I had to go to work. I spent almost every penny I had to go out there. So now I'm broke. I think I want a new layout for my lj. Getting sick of seing Eminem. Wow did I just say that? I'm supposed to hang out with Jereny Racheal,Liz, and Tom on Thuresday. Yesterday was mothersday. My mom wasn't here and I had to work so it sucked. But I got to work with one of my cool mangers that I hardly get to see so that made me feel better. We'll I gotta go.