Title: Melody
reetinkerbellRequest: Draco/Hermione. Song. For Chiara of
Word Count: 100
Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy.
"What kind of drivel is this?" Draco complained as he stepped into the kitchen, where Hermione stood in front of the stove stirring a pot, humming along to old Christmas carols.
"Hush you; at least it's not about Thestrals or nargles in the mistletoe."
"Those are classics," Draco grumbled, crossing his arms.
The small boy by Hermione's side giggled, and Draco couldn't help but smile at the sound.
"I like the music, daddy," he added helpfully. "Mummy sings to it!"
Draco eyed Hermione, who turned away from him, blushing. "Oh she does, does she?"
He kissed her cheek. "How lovely."