why isn't mtv's daria series on DVD yet? it should damn well be by now. those damn mtv fools don't know what they had going for them.
i am once again in the library, feeling slightly less paranoid and more guilty instead. it seems as if everyone else is using the computer for educational purposes..researching, homework, and anything else school-related. but me, i am guilty of going online for the pure reason of leisure.. that and the fact that i have two hours to kill until my class starts. my first class has been cancelled, so i don't have to go to class until 10:30. god, what am i going to do. apparently there is going to be campus-wide fire drill, and the library is also taking part in it. i don't know what to do, except probably run away at 10 AM so that i don't have to take part in it.
i am dying to get this
really cute bag. i think i need to do some major shopping.
one week of finals left for summer. i can't wait for summer, and i can't wait for
some trumpet rock.