I'm not sure if you were all aware of this, but I haven't been the biggest fan of the current administration. However, I need to point out something this leadership is doing that I'm all about and think everyone else needs to support as well. Now true, it took a media scandal about the
Walter Reed Med Center to instigate awareness of this problem. And yeah, it's something that should have been in place before we even thought about starting a war. But that's water under the bridge. Now we have to move forward and act because we have an exponentially growing problem caring for those returning from war. And believe it or not, the President is actually doing something that might actually help. He has put together a
committee to look into what type of care our wounded need and what are the best methods of providing that care. The clinic where I'm working this summer will be one of many civilian rehab sites that will be caring for and providing expertise on these types of injury. And in the fall, the Veteran's Administration and those experts in the rehab field are going to Washington to make this a serious issue that will hopefully be a part of any future candidate's platform. Just to give you an idea of how under-staffed, under-funded, and overwhelmed our military is, if not another soldier was injured in either Iraq or Afghanistan, it would take more than 4 years just to process all of the paperwork. And this is just at the one base close to Nashville. I share all of this because I never really thought about it - I haven't had to think about it. But once you interact with one of these guys, you realize these are the men that put everything they had on the line. And they've lost a lot in the process. The least we can do to thank them is make sure we give them the best we have to offer. I urge anyone reading this to keep their eyes and ears open for this issue. Whether or not you supported the war or whatever your feelings are now, our wounded are coming home. Let's make sure they feel that way.