Fic excerpt

Oct 12, 2015 20:03

The room is strange. The people are strange. He’s terrified. Someone is speaking to him.

“Please state your name for the record.”

No. No no no. He doesn’t have a name. He’s no one. He’s nothing.


“I’m not Neal, not Neal, no, no, no!” He shrieks. It’s a trick, it’s a trap, they will be angry now. They will hurt him.

He stumbles off the chair. He needs to leave. He wants to go back and hide in his closet, where it’s small and safe and no one can touch him. He knows it’s stupid; his masters can get to him wherever he is. But that closet is his safe place.

“Hey, it’s okay.”

A blanket is being wrapped around him. It’s soft and warm and he tries to take comfort from it. He’s okay now, he will worry about later, later. There are whispers, he’s not meant to hear them but he does-

‘I told you he wasn’t ready, he still thinks he’s a slave.’

‘Well he needs to get ready soon and give his testimony or they’re going to walk.’

‘This is ridiculous, his condition alone should be evidence enough for a slam dunk.’

‘He’s a con artist, he’s fooled the best of them; their defence is that this is just another con.’

Neal curls further into himself, whimpering slightly. Silence falls.

white collar, fic

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