White Collar fic; Agent Peter Burke and the Caffrey File

Oct 03, 2010 17:17

Title: Agent Peter Burke and the Caffrey File
Prompt: #006 File
Author: Swirlsofblue
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Peter Burke.
Word count: 300
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Summary: Peter looks over files containing Caffrey's possible crimes. Pre-series. Sequel to Agent Peter Burke and the Caffrey Case.  
Notes: Any feedback is appreciated. This fic seemed a lot more believable in my head so it may need a slight suspension of disbelief.

Peter stares at the files. A myriad of crimes, thefts, forgeries, cons. All similar styles, similar patterns. He has finally convinced the higher ups that Caffrey has something to do with them, even if they think he’s far further down the chain than Peter knows he is. Now all they need to do is find some evidence. Of course Peter has a whole pile of cases to be working on; technically the Caffrey case isn’t one of them. That doesn’t stop him from staying after hours to get a glance at the case notes.

The team on the case has been attempting to find the kids real name, hoping to find some evidence of past criminality. There are a few leads but they seem to be dead ends. Peter knows how the kid likes playing games, so decides to work a hunch that is ridiculous but he’s tired and bored so he might as well. He begins running variations on the name.

Neil Cafrey. Neil Caffry. Neil Cafry. Neil Caffery. Neil Cafery. Neil Caferty. Neil Cafferty.

Peter’s eyes drooped as it reached the early hours of the morning and he stared forlornly at the empty coffee pot. His eyes slid shut staring at the uncountable names he had run.

An hour later Peter jerked awake, the names swam in front of his eyes as a smile formed. He turned back to the database and typed: Neal Caffrey. Bingo. The file had been deleted and hidden but Peter had still managed to find it. He went through checking and double checking that it was the right person then proceeded to read the entire file, only stopping when he realised the sun was rising. Peter left a post-it on the case-lead-agents desk with the name on it before heading out for coffee.  

white collar, fic

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