another 2 weeks, another lame post from me apologizing for my lameness. y'know, it would be very helpful if there were an iPhone livejournal app. trying to post from this phone is somewhat frustrating. LJ as a website is just too massive. it would be perfect if there were a client like there is for the desktop. i'm so rarely in front of my computer these days!
really nothing has changed sine I last posted. waiting as patiently as possible on that promotion and all my time not at work is spent either watching assorted comedy shows till I pass out or watching Heroes with my mom.
although this week has been particularly busy! I went to a bridal shower for my dear dear friend Sharon this weekend. pictures (including one of the best i've EVER taken) can be found
here. a lovely time was had by all.
yesterday I ordered a dress to wear to Sharon & Pete's wedding next month. it was on clearance, but of COURSE they had every size but the one I currently wear, so I went ahead and got it in the next size down. very optimistic of me, I know. but I've lit a fire under my resolve to hit the gym more as well as take advantage of the mild weather and the recently-discovered-by-my-mom half track @ my old school just a few blocks away. I'm thinking about getting a nano and the Nike+ kit to measure my walking and such.
so that's pretty much the status of me. working dilligently on myself in all sorts of ways. picking up on my Japanese again.
genmulder, the time for our training is NOW! bentos are imminent! I'm also reading an HTML/CSS manual and a book about finding the right job that Stina lent me. self improvement is nigh!!
hope everyone is well. I still read my flist, despite the lack of commenting or posting. loads of love to all. xoxoxo