Been searching for a "starter tattoo" forever, yanno, something to get to make sure I dig tattoos before I go for a huge pair of wings on my back, heh.
I think a
septagram would be excellent. (Seven pointed star, "elven star" or "faerie star", usually used to show belief in the fae realm.)
Now, where to put it? I feel like forearm would be best, but I'm not sure I'm a) that hardcore and b) want to follow
pHunk in his tattoo location quite that closely. I want to be able to see it, and I'd rather have it above the waste, but I don't like the idea of the outside of my arm, for some reason. And the boy went and got
upper arm tattoos recently too - not that that bans me from having a tattoo there, but. Hrm.
I kinda like how
J-rod's looks there. Maybe that's the spot. Whaddya think?