~ hanging with mel tonite was awesome. we were both in rather hyper and talkative moods and it was lots of fun catching up. i wishi hadn't been so distractable, but such is the nature of Ye Olde Brainz. I also found a shortcut between my house and his new apartment after dropping him off, which makes it a roughly 12 minute drive. yay! :)
~ i had a great talk with james yesterday morning, and felt happier and more at peace in his presence than i have in a very long time. i love him so very much, despite every ounce of crap we've ever been through. we're still here, we're still committed to making things work, and we've somehow managed not to toss eachother through any windows in the past year. and now we're really learning how to understand one another a lot better, and we have been gradually getting along more smoothly since december. here's to progress! :D
~ will seems to be doing better and has been around more often. i really really missed him, and feel so happy for him about his new job, and have a good feeling about what this year may bring for him. I'm looking forward to hanging out and doing fun shit more often. :D He doesn't seem to realize how strong he is, but hopefully after a period of things going much more smoothly (knock wood!) he will be able to look back and see how well he's come through it all.
~ eddie should be finishing up his film shoot earlyish today, and i'm really looking forward to spending some time with him. we're going out to the Nodding Head for his birthday tonite, and i think he's spending the nite after that. We've grown even closer over the past few days, and i feel even happier and more solid within our relationships now. (especially after a kinda strange conversation we had at ass o'clock on friday morning. i'll explain that later, i can't seem to articulate my feelings about that subject very well at all... even when i was talking with eddie about it.) but before any fun takes place, i really wanna get cracking on getting this house cleaner. then i need to really focus on school this week and getting work done. i also need to file my taxes ASAP; my refund should be substantial this year and i REALLY need that money!
~ i miss mikey really really badly. i was hoping to see him today but have too much to do and no money to gas up james' car to get there. so i am going to see him on friday no matter come hell or high water. i miss him so much and need to stop letting stupid shit get in the way of spending time together, namely the complete retardedness with my mom and my stepdad being dickish. he's said things in the past about how he thinks my not being around enough has a bad effect on mikey... yet this is the same man who buys my mother's booze and enables his wife to have a far worse effect on that little boy than i do. i need to just let whatever BS there is with them float right past me so i can spend time with my brother. that is all that matters.
The End.