Title: Gratitude
Words: 290
Summary: Robin receives an impromptu visit from some of his fans.
Spoilers: none
Set: Just after 2x10
Disclaimer: Aunty Beeb owns everything, including my soul.
Rating: U
Characters/Pairings: Seriously, do you need to ask this anymore? Robin/Marian
A/N: Written for a prompt by
arliddianwho gave me one word: fan. I hope you like my interpretation. This was my first thought and after thinking of other possible meanings for the word, decided this would be the easiest way to incorporate it. Un-betaed as usual, so any mistakes are my own. Please point them out if spotted ^_^
Comments are ♥!
A food drop-off in Nettlestone village. The outlaws separated to dispatch their various packages. It was behind the miller’s cottage that she called out to him, emerging from the forest as he had done himself so many times. If he was startled by her sudden appearance he hid it well, greeting her with a wide grin.
She pushed back to hood of her cloak, stepping nimbly over the debris of the forest floor and into his waiting embrace. It had been too long. The sound of running feet and gradually increasing voices forced them to break apart. Marian only just managed to conceal herself in the thick bushes of the forest before a group of children came careering round the corner, stopping dead at the sight of Robin.
“I told you he was round here!”
After much giggling and shoving, a sandy haired boy stepped (or was pushed) forwards.
“Are you Robin Hood?” he asked boldly.
Robin’s bemused nod of reply caused more giggling and the sandy haired boy to throw a triumphant look to the group behind him. He turned back to Robin, his mouth open to question him further when a woman’s cry pierced the air.
“Matthew! Matthew, where are you?”
The boy’s expression dropped and he turned immediately to answer his mother’s summons. Just before he turned the corner to return to the village, Matthew stopped and glanced back over his shoulder to Robin.
“Thank-you mister, for everything you’ve done for us!”
The rest of the group of children all nodded frantically at his words before following Matthew and dispersing back into the village.
Marian re-emerged from her hiding place, an amused smile spread across her features.
“You seem to have quite a fan club, Robin Hood.”