It was a good thing Penelope had given Claire a journal for Christmas. Her first few days at home proved to have a lot to write about.
Flight back to L.A. was fine. Dull. David got me at the airport, then I said hi and bye to Mom, grabbed my hearse (MISS that car) and drove out to Aunt Sarah's place in Topanga Canyon. She was kind of weird when I first got here, I think she forgot I was coming or something, but she says it's cool. There are supposed to be a bunch of artists coming for Yule, like that one woman who slept with Nate when he was 15, and also some random druggies and freaks.
At least it's not a boring Xmas. Hey, people are here, got to quit writing.
Oh my god, Aunt Sarah's friends are so awesome but kind of strange. They're just a bunch of old hippies, you know? They ALL know Mom and Dad, too, from the old days. Apparently Dad used to use a rolling machine.
I left the Yule party-ritual-thing early. This one woman kept hanging out topless and beating on this gourd and it's just too weird for me. There's one guy my age, Toby. He gets to be designated driver for his parents. We had a bottle of red wine and he started kissing me? But then I told him it was a bad idea, 'cause people are having end-of-the-world sex and I didn't bring any condoms, plus there's a guy back at school. And then he said, quote, "You're quite the fox, I'm happy to report, but like I would never just hook up with someone I just met, like ever." Also "it just kind of sucks to enter the body of another human being you're not in love with."
Weeeeeeird. I mean, beyond the whole hippie slang thing I don't get. I keep meeting nice guys lately, between Cal and Toby. (Okay, there's other stuff going on with Cal, BUT. He doesn't drink or anything.) I have no idea what's with that.
So, yeah. We just kissed for a while and then cuddled, and then he went someplace else to sleep. Which I should do now. Night.
I'm back home. I got up really early and walked in the canyon, and when I got back to Aunt Sarah's she was the only one up. So we had some coffee and talked, and she was all telling me to be nicer to my mom. And then Toby woke up too, and he asked for my number even though I go back to the East Coast in like a week. Weird, squared.
Sick thing is I gave it to him. And I think I kind of told him if he wanted to come into L.A. for Xmas, he could spend it with us, since his parents are pagans and everything and don't really do Christmas. See if he takes me up on it.
Gave Mom this Joni Mitchell tape Aunt Sarah gave me when I got home. I was just watching her singing along.
She knew, like, all the words. I did not know this. Maybe I should give her a Joni CD for Christmas.
[OOC: NFB due to distance, OOC is love, and this is shamelessly stolen from SFU 2.07, "Back to the Garden."]