Aug 23, 2005 08:38
Synopsis of my day yesterday...
I got up yesterday two full hours ahead of the beginning of my first class. I take an hour to get ready and do whatever. Then I leave with an hour to spare and figure i'll simply figure out where all of my classes are since i already have a general idea. I learned an interesting lesson yesterday within my first 2 hours of just walking around. A car ride at 35 mph for 2 minutes is a ten minute walk. I guess i'll be doing a lot of walking- something i can totally live with; except for rainy, freezing, or freakishly hot days.
I figure out where everything is and sit down in the shade for a few. Then its off to Anthropology. I think i'm going to seriously enjoy my Anth class. My professor, Mr. Wohlt is pretty cool- so it seems. This also seems like a topic I could easily get into. The only thing i could complain about Mr Wohlt is his terrible spelling. He only wrote a total 16 words on the chalkboard. Of the sixteen words he spelled 'explain' as 'explane' and 'ethnocentricity' as 'ethoncentricity'. I'm not sure which is more sad, the fact that he can't spell or the fact that i actually took the time to count every word on the blackboard and make notes on which words he incorrectly spelled. Oh well, not everyone's a great speller and I won't let it get to me, I just hate mispelled words in formal presentations.
Japanese was an interesting class. I think i made a lot of people angry, though; but i'll get to that. After Anth let out I walked over to my Jap class and I finally met Dr. Tomizawa, the Japanese deptartment head. I've heard so many wild and outrageous stories about this guy!! When I finally laid eyes on him I felt a bit disappointed. He looked so.... normal. So we start off with our introductions and everyone is giving it in English. huh? Its a foreign language class! WHY ARE WE SPEAKING ENGLISH???? hmph. In fact, the only who spoke in Japanese was this guy named Jacob, and he fucked up a part of his thing and didn't know it. I mean, that's fine, b/c its a foreign language class, but I sure as hell didn't want to deviate away from the patter that had been set so I go ahead and say something along the lines of....
Hi, I'm Arthur Wegley. My major is Japanese and Modern Languages and classics. I'm currently enrolled in German 201, Japanese Lit, and this Japanese class. I've taken sign language and Latin as well. I'm enrolled in Jap 301 b/c I used to be really good with my Japanese. I mean, I was awesome, like one of the best at my school- but that wasn't hard to do since our teacher wasn't at all fluent. Then over the last few years I went from being the best to just being... well, I guess i'm just became really good now.
I think i got a disapproving look from Tomizawa sensei. Ha, I'll show him. And a bunch of the other students all yelled at me saying i was arrogant and full of myself. I didn't realize what i had done to piss everyone off. I think and I realized that it could be taken as arrogance, but it wasn't arrogance. I will still pull off a better grade than (at the very least) half of the students there. I mean, I skipped at least half my jap classes last semester, if not more, and I still came out with a very high A. It would have even been an A++ if it weren't for so many missing participation points. I was always one of the first people done with my tests. I never experienced a difficult test. I was overall probably THE best in the class last semester- and the sad part of it all is that no one knew it. Well, it got me mad that they seriously thought i was boasting, when i was being honest. I know i lack a lot of keuth in the modesty department, but I only talk about it if its true. ugh. I can't believe they thought i was arrogant. Well, like i said, they'll all see. I'll kick their asses and soon everyone will be coming to me for help! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
German was German. Its not a die hard passion but it is an interesting hobby, and i think this year will be a good year in that subject. Herr Warner seems like a very awesome guy. My favorite policy of his is that if you do poorly on a test and the next test you do better he moves that first poor test grade up to match the better grade. He says that since this is a foreign language we will always be improving and as long as we consistently improve that building upon something and the building upon that should be a reflection of what we've been learning. He is also good for a laugh or two. This should be pretty good. I just wish all my classes weren't so early.