Sep 18, 2006 01:33
13 People
Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!
1. Destiny
2. Wil
3. Casey
4. Becca
5. Matt
6. Andy
7. Melissa
8. Cass
9. Stephie
10. Jack
11. Emily
12. Bethany
13. Jamie
How did you meet 4?
At a Discussion group meeting that Destiny and I used to attend a random Saturday each month. She was just sodarn bounsy and lively- cheered me up.
Something about number 1.
Destiny is a really great girlfreind who amazingly puts up with all my shit with more grace than most could muster.
What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
Wil and Andy??? The two uber-dominant, supa-straightest guys I know?? Be shocked and then laugh hysterically until I passed out.
Have you ever seen 9 cry?
Nope. Stephie is a bouant personality, and pretty tough to boot.
Tell me something about number 11.
Well, Emily is currently in a South American country right now, kickin'-ass and giggling maniacally, if I know her at all.
How do you know 8?
Met her though the discussion group too. She also is in two of my three weekly D&D games (DMing one & playing in one).
Would you date number 12?
Bethany? If through some freak of chance and happenstance, such an opportunity were to arise, and I were available to take said opportunity- heck yeah. She's hot and likes guys who sing showtunes and watch anime.
What do you think about 7?
I think Melissa is a very smart girl who has a lot of personal things going on in her life, not to mention four children and school, husband, possible significant others (I actually don't know anything about that situation, so I'm playing it safe). Whew- I just don't know how she does it without a weekly murderous rampage.
Who is 10 going out with?
Jack was seeing a guy, but I'm not sure if they're still a thing or not. I'm just glad he was getting laid there for a while.
Whats the craziest thing that number 5 has ever done?
I don't know, and I probably wouldn't want to know. Although a safe bet would be whatever he did, he was in Kosavo.
Would you ever live with 13?
I'd consider it. I think we could probably coexist quite well actually.
Is 2 single?
Nope, he is dating my girlfriend (he's the Head Boyfriend, thereby getting vetoing rights, first dibs on everything, and bosses me around).
Why did you put ..2 as ..2 on your list?
Thought of him second? He was snoring.
What's the best thing about number 4?
She's like me in a way that doesn't make me want to kill her. Geeky, exhuberant, fun, lovable, and very insta-friend (Just Add Water!).
Whats your best memory with 3?
With Casey? Probably the night I drove her around with Bae and Evey, all three stark naked, so they could frolick in parks (where they were nearly spotted).
Best physical feature for number 1?
Boobs, ass, *ahem*, and her natural laugh when I really get her going.
What do you think about 6?
Andy is a good man, I just don't feel very consequencial around him.
Do you have feelings for number 13?
Nope, but I did have a mini-crush when we were going to college at the same time. She has a wonderful butt (and don't you dare get pouty that I said it, it is a freaking compliment, pertinant to the topic, and I already love your spicy brains- so nyah!).
Would you ever do anything with number 1?
Actually I have an ongoing plan. Step 1: Do everything with #1. Step 2: Figure out what things I like. Step 3: Do everything I liked again. Step 4: repeat step 3 ad nauseum.
Repost as
Can you name 13 people?