Nov 19, 2003 14:34
Ok yall i am sorry it has been so long you know me i get started on something really easily but i have a problem finishing. Ok sooooo much has been going on in my life since i last updated. College is a blast, me and kris haven't even killed each other yet. Ok I thought going to college would help to remove me from the drama, yet again in my life i am wrong. There is so much drama it is hard to name it all. I miss my friends back in Salem dearly, Laura you are the best and i can not wait until Tgiving so we have plenty of time together. jue, you are awesome and i am sorry to have missed you last time around but hopefully we can chill sometime soon. How is astronomy? have you worn a cloak to class yet? If not i can bring you mine so you can hehe. Classes are ok so far. I am making new friends too. Can you belive it?? Today I am interviewing for a nusurey job at a local church. I hope i get it, they pay 9 bucks an hour!! That would be sooo great. Ok everbody i need your xmas wants, i am going shopping over t-break and if you don't tell me what you want you dont' get anything (just J/k but it would really help me out to know what you want). Going home last weekend was great, especially friday, i am gonna have to do that more often, (not the bathroom part for all yall who are thinking that). Ok here is just a general statement, If you know what you want, do it. There are so many people that it is directed at that i am not going to bother to address it. Whether it be a person, alot of people, something material, or just something in your life, just go do it instead of f-ing around. people need to start saying what they think. If you ever want an hononost opinion ask me, i swear to tell you what i think. And for those of you who are hurting people (don't get mad jue i am not talking about you) you need to stop it. Yeah this has been kinda a controversial journal, and i think that if people get it then they are going to be mad at me but whatever, i am tired of not saying what i think. If you don't understand what i am talking about then you are lucky because you aren't pissing alot of people off right now. On a lighter note, does anyone have any idea what chris's theme song should be? me and kris have been delegated the task of picking one out and none come to mind. Ok well get back to me on it and on xmas wants, Love yall (really, what i said was for your own good) bye