Jun 19, 2006 15:00
Random questions:
How many keys are on your keychain? 2
What curse word do you use the most? Fuck
Do you own an iPod? nope, I don't see the use for it.
What time is your alarm clock set for? no idea, probably 11
How many suitcases do you own? 2
Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside? fuck yeah
Where do you buy your groceries from? IGA or Walmart
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? be in the picture with my friends!
What was the last movie you watched? Underworld Evolution
Do any of your friends have children? yep
If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy? probably a better house for my family and a car. Then I'd put some aside so I could actually go to the college I want to, and pay off all those loans...
Has anyone ever called you lazy? yeah
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? sadly yes. I have to.
What CD is currently in your CD player? Switchfoot
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? regualr, chocolate milk is gross.
Has anyone told you a secret this week? yep, Lisa.
When was the last time someone hit on you? ha, probably two weeks ago
What did you have for dinner? hamburger
Do you wear hoodies often? yep, I love hoodies
Can you whistle? yep
Have you ever participated in a protest? heck yes, fight for what you believe in!!
Who was the last person to call you? Lisa
What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? rollercoaster!!
Do you think people talk about you behind your back? oh I know they do. I've often walked into the middle of the conversation, or they just say it to my face. how nice.
What area code are you in right now? 570
Did you watch cartoons as a child? yep, still do sometimes.
How big is your local mall? big enough, I think its nice.
How many siblings do you have? 5, 3 older brothers, one older sister and one younger sister
Are you shy around the opposite sex? hell no
What is your biggest regret? lets not go there...
When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? a few days ago with Lisa, we are RIDICULOUS :P
What movie(s) do you know every line to? oh god...so many...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Angels in America, Mounlin Rouge, Braveheart, Meet Joe Black, all the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies, Rent, Band of Brothers, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Shakespeare in Love...and more :)
Do you own any band t-shirts? BSB, Train and Matchbox 20. I've only been to 3 "band" concerts in my lifetime. sad I know.
When was your last plane ride? dear lord...when I was very little.
How many chairs are at your dining room table? 6
Do you read for fun? HELL YES
Can you speak any languages other than English? I sort of remember Japanese, German, and I'm horrible at Spanish, Bethany would agree with me ;)
Do you do your own dishes? yeah, but I HATE doing dishes.
What color is your bedroom painted? white
Have you ever cried in public? yeah
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? desktop
Which do you make, wishes or plans? plans, wishes are formed in my dreams or when I see a really hot guy walk by, lol.
Are you always trying to learn new things? heck yes. Remember, this is your life, are you who you want to be?