Dec 01, 2005 00:47
i am sitting here at 1 in the am, staring at my computer screen and trying to think of an incredible topic for my incredible essay for miami. god, i'm even wearing a miami hat right now (takes it off).....
oh god, college. real? i mean, seriously i have no idea what i want to do or where i want to go, it's all just guessing. but who really knows...i guess that's somewhat comforting...
...and i've realized lately that in the life stories of wonderful people, their college years are usually summed up in one sentence.. "they attended undergraduate school at (insert name here)" if they even attended undergraduate school at all. you don't hear about their first loves, heartbreak, laughter, tears. you don't hear about how they bit their lip everytime that certain person walked into the room, or nights when they felt worthless or scared, or days when they felt like they could run straight and never stop, or the absolute security they felt when they were in a room with someone and they didn't have to say a single word because just having them there was enough. you don't hear about the walks through campus, the coffee, the nights, the stars....tacky i know, but these are the things i worry about the most. i have so many expectations, and not even for my education. i guess, in large part, due to the fact that my highschool experience has been a mix of all of these wonderful things that i can never see myself letting go of. anyway, i've been thinking a lot about that lately.
"for such a man must literally make himself (and his world) up every moment. we have, each of us, a life story, an inner narrative whose continuity, whose sense, is our lives...biologically, physiologically, we are all not so different from each other, historically, as narratives, we are, each of us, unique"