"Here you go guys.. here is the best way...
Take a large glass measuring cup (glass, not plastic) and fill it about an inch or two with acetone (available in the paint section of any hardware store). Crush up your adulterated cocaine and pour the entire contents into the glass meauring cup containing the acetone. Cocaine is entirely insoluble in acetone (will not dissolve), but most undesirable cuts are and will dissolve immediately, so don't worry about losing any cocaine.
Stir the measuring cup containing the mix of acetone and cocaine for at least 3-5 minutes. The mixture will most likely be very cloudy at this point. Let the contents completely settle until the acetone is clear again and you can see the cocaine clearly at the bottom. This usually takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes. While waiting for this to settle, proceed with the next step.
Take a tall drinking glass and place a funnel inside the top. You can get a plastic oil funnel at any auto parts store. It is important that the bottom of the funnel not touch the bottom of the drinking glass. In fact, it should be reach no farther than half way down the glass.
Carefully place a flat bottomed, non-serated coffee filter paper inside of the funnel.
Now, carefully pour your acetone/cocaine mixture into the filter laced funnel. The acetone containing the adulterants will run thru the filter paper and down into the drinking glass. Make sure you don't use more acetone than your drinking glass will hold and make sure the acetone does not come up and touch the bottom of your funnel.
Alot of the cocaine will stay behind in the measuring cup after pouring it into the funnel. No problem. Simply pour some fresh acetone into the measuring cup, swish it around to collect the remaining cocaine and then pour it into the filter/funnel with the rest of the cocaine.
Allow the acetone to drip thru the filter/funnel until it stops dripping completely. This process usually takes around 5-10 minutes. Once it has run thru, carefully remove the filter containing the cocaine from the funnel.
The cocaine should be dry at his point. Carefully open the filter paper over a dinner plate and let the cocaine fall out. Any cocaine that is stuck on the filter paper can easily be scraped off with a non-serated butter knife.
The cocaine will be very pearlescent at this point (the way it should be). You can now crush up the cocaine to speed up the evaporation process.
IMPORTANT: It is very important that you let the acetone completely evaporate before snorting. Even though the cocaine is dry at this point, doesn't mean that all of the acetone is evaportated. Evaporation usually takes at least an hour, but it is preferable that you let it dry overnight. So its best to do this procedure the night before you party!
This process will result in a much more pure product (probably around 90% purity). The high will be much more pleasant and enjoyable. The look will amaze your friends. It is the most pearlescent, crystalline looking cocaine you will ever see!
Though simple to perform, this knowledge has taken me over 15 years to obtain. If your a junky or simply a recreational user, this is something you have to try!
What is everyone's opinion on drugs?
If you knew there were ways to purify certain drugs, like cocaine, or to home-grow plants like Cannabis or Peyote Cactus(mescaline is dervied from this cactus), would you?
What do you think of alcohol being LEGAL, but drugs like marijuana being ILLEGAL, when all research has led to the conclusion that alcohol is far more dangerous, both physically and societally, than marijuana?
Do you think governments have ulterior motives for outlawing drugs? Do any of you know the microscope used to be outlawed(hundreds of years ago, in Europe)? What do you think of the comparison between microscopes being outlawed for allowing the exploration and study of the unknown(both scientifically and spiritually) and the outlawing of drugs and most specifically drugs like LSD?
What do you think of the government allowing and collecting billions from taxes on drugs like tobacco(why does the government allow this killer to remain on the streets other than to collect taxes from) and alcohol, while outlawing drugs like marijuana(which can be grown at home, and cured at home, requiring no manufacturing, and thus no way to sell/collect taxes)? What do you think of the government allowing drugs like Salvia to be illegal(an intense dissociative) and disallowing more mild drugs like marijuana to be legal?
For those who think drugs are bad because they are said to be from society or the government, then that's fine, your morality has not yet been developed(see preconventional, conventional, and postconventional morality stages in a psychology textbook). Releasing slaves, women voting, and a black's freedom were once illegal too. This proves that illegality does not mean immorality, or that something is bad or harmful to oneself or society.
Keep in mind I DO NOT SMOKE MARIAJUANA. I haven't for years now, just questions to consider. Think away gentlemen.