Well, hello, LJ!

Nov 19, 2008 00:00

I had completely forgotten about LJ until today. I lent my copy of Twilight (I know... but I couldn't help loving it, and thankgod I got into it before it became some sort of huge cult ordeal) to a coworker, and he's taking an absurdly long time to read it. As a result, my strong desire to reread it before the movie comes out led me, embarassingly, to Google "read Twilight online." I was going to buy a downloadable version or something, in my desperation. Instead, I came across an LJ group in which someone has actually uploaded the book. Bless her little heart. I try not to partake of illegal music or other media anymore, but I can't really develop any kind of guilt since I did in fact purchase the book. It's just out on loan to someone too dim to manage to finish it in under two weeks. The only real appropriate time frame for any of those books is a matter of days.

In other news, all is well for me in California. Robin is still the fantastic beast I came out here to tend to, and we now have our own super grown-up apartment south of SF. We ride our bikes to the station and he takes Caltrain south to Redwood City to do whatever it is he does for the truly excellent Zazzle.com, and I take BART north to SF to continue my sentence in retail hell. Thankfully, I was able to give my notice last week, and start a new, hopefully less ridiculous job on December first. Most importantly: it pays more, requires no weekend work, and is much much closer to home.

Anyway, here we are:

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