Apr 25, 2010 12:42
oh lordy i had such a fabulous and completely unproductive week last week. first it was 4/20 and there is no question to what i did that day. and that night i had a couple beers with the mchottie neighbors and watched the Avalanche game instead of studying for my Russian test. then Wednesday night i went out with the peeps to drunkedly celebrate our completion of the test. i had one strong island iced-tea pitcher, and with nothing to eat all day, was perfectly plastered. Austin came to hang out and made friends with everyone by buying a pack of cigarettes to share in the rain. the next day, everyone, including Austin, told me "why the hell did i smoke a cigarette last night?!" lolz. Thursday i rode the bus around with Austin for an hour after class and fixed dinner before going upstairs to the mchotties' with a beer for the Avs game again with all intention of writing a one-page extra credit paper on BDSM due Friday. but then they loaded a bowl of almost entirely keef and made me smoke with them. floored me in one hit. Friday i talked to Patty (production!) and wrote the BDSM paper in the library with Julian (production!) and later went to see Star Trek: The Musical for the Fringe festival on campus (production!)(har har).
Austin picked me up after work and we watched Star Trek the movie. i spent the night. he made vegetables for breakfast and we were extremely lazy all day, just lounging around in bed even though it was beautiful outside and i have tons of shit to do. but it was great, we talked alot about alot of serious things. he told me he recently found out he is Cherokee and i almost died because i think Native Americans are SO hot. he also taught me how to hold myself in a fight, and i punched his 100 lbs punching bag several times before i burst out laughing from embarrassment. but that bag is gonna get it next time...Basically, spent the entire day with Austin and then when i came home, fully intending to actually do some work, Jen and the mchotties were BBQing burgers. which lead to a fabulous meal and evening of drunken pleasure.
SO, now that it's taken me two hours to eat my breakfast, i am going to Norlin to get this goddamn sexual utopia paper written, and hopefully more than that. summer is just four papers and two tests away.