
May 04, 2006 16:27

Ive suffered so long to beat the one thing i had.
The one thing i didnt want to have.
The one thing i wanted to get rid of so much.
Getting it to go away would make everything soooo much better.
But i realised it proberley wont ever totally go away.
Ill always have it.
Itll always randomly come back to haunt me.
I have the scars to haunt me every day.
I am a hell of a lot better than i ever was.
Im slightly more confident than i ever was.
Maybe slightly more idiotic that i used to be but im happy.

Everything does get better.
Theres some things in life that will always fuck things up.
People in your life that will fuck you over and fuck it up.
They proberly aint worth it.
Never will be.
As ive said sooo many times lately dont take friendship personal [not all i must say]
Live the way you wanna live.
Fuck it up the way you wanna fuck it up.
Say what you wanna say.
Do what you wanna do.
Listen to what you want to listen to.

Even when you feel like theres nobody there for you.
Nobody to catch you when you fall.
Nobody to listen to you when you want to rant.
There always is.
Theres always that one person who no matter what, will listen to you and tell you everything will get better.
Its true. It does get better.
Theres the friends/stranged/aquaintences in your life that will make you laugh and make you feel better.
Just remember those people and thank them for it.
One day they may just need you in the same way.

I guess what im trying to say is:
Fuck the haters.
Fuck the fakes.
Fuck the liers.
Fuck all the people who act so hard to fit in.
Fuck the people who should care but dont.
Love the fuck ups in life.
Love the people who have stuck around.
Love the laughs.
Love each day.

Peace Love Bitches and Hoes <3

[Sho, Keith, Caron, Nik, Gogz, J, Yenni, Bri <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3]
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