Nov 26, 2007 08:00
I have been sooooo stressed out lately with school that it's getting a little ridiculous. I seriously can't wait for this semester to be over! Why is it that teachers pile on all of these things at the last minute and assume that you have no other work in any of your other classes?? Someone needs to remind these teachers that they do not have the only class that we are taking, and some of us are taking more than the amount of classes that most students are taking.
I have a 30 minute presentation in my Marketing class on Wednesday and a 20-30 minute presentation in my english class on Thursday; both of which constitute like 40% of my grade. Oh yeah...did I mention that they are all GROUP presentations?? Yeah, that's right. Both presentations have to be made in a group. Do you know how hard it is to find time for 7 seniors to meet for an hour once a week?? Well let me tell you -- it's VERY difficult and damn near impossible.
On a more positive note...Christmas is coming!! :-) It is one of my favorite holidays of the year, because everyone comes together and gets along (for the most part). Everyone has Christmas parties and we all sit around and talk about what's new in our lives. It's such a great time! I also am in loveeee with winter, which is another reason that I love Christmas so much. The whiteness and purity that is outside is incomparable to any other season.
All this talk about Christmas makes me realize how much I miss my friends. I try to go home every weekend to see my boyfriend, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. When I AM home, a lot of the time my friends are busy doing sometimes else or they are working so I don't really get a chance to see them all too much. I can't wait for school to be done so that I can spend more time with them and actually get to see them for more than an hour every 3 months! It sucks that I have to take a class during the summer, but if I can get away with only taking one extra class to earn a whole 'nother degree, then I'm going to take advantage of that.
Time for me to jetset...I have class in less than 2 hours and I need to start getting ready and waking up. More to come soon hopefully!!