Title: Missed you
Verse: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: G
Lenght: 576
Categofy: Fluff
Summary: Prompt fill for this:
community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink_meme/14468.html so character X was away for whatever reason. character X comes back and thinks that character Y did not miss them. character Y shows them how much they did. bonus! they weren't together before character X went away, but they are now. no chekov/sulu or kirk/mccoy please
‘Well I’m glad that’s finally out of the way,’ sighed Kirk, heavily dropping his duffle bag on his bed. ‘I was ready to strangle the Tellarite ambassador. Another hour and I’d have snapped.’
‘There is no reason to exaggerate, Captain. The talks went well and your diplomatic efforts exceeded all expectations.’
‘Even yours, Mister Spock?’ asked Jim with mirth.
‘I shall refrain from answering,’ said Spock with a neutral voice.
Jim looked at him a second too long, realized what he was doing and went back to unpacking. He was better at hiding the effect Spock had on him, usually, but two weeks away from his First Officer just made his presence seem more intoxicating now.
‘So, how’s my girl?’ he asked, nonchalantly. ‘Scotty didn’t give you too much trouble I hope?’
‘The ship itself is in excellent condition, and even though Mister Scott could be quite… enthusiastic about the refitting, all planned modifications were completed on time.’
‘And the crew? They didn’t miss me too much, I hope?’
‘Crew morale is still good, even though overall efficiency dropped 2,4 %. I believe it is directly related to your absence.’
‘Aw, the kids missed me!’ snickered Jim. ‘Well, they’ll be glad I managed to conclude these talks earlier. Sorry ‘bout taking the chair back, though.’
‘There is no logical reason to be sorry, I am pleased to see you return to the ship and content in giving you back your command.’
Jim gulped, busied himself in folding his dress shirt. Sometimes Spock said things that sounded exciting but there was just no use in reading too much into his Vulcan friend.
‘Yeah, I’m pretty sure you just lounged around being glad I wasn’t there to mess things up and being my overemotional illogical self,’ he snorted, trying to lighten the mood.
‘Illogical. I do not «lounge around». You do not mess things up, not on a regular basis like you seem to think so. You are not overly emotional, nor illogical, you are simply human. And there is no reason to rejoice in your absence, Jim.’
The Captain lifted his head, looked back at his friend. Spock was sending him a look he still had no translation for.
‘Alright, sorry, it was stupid to think you wouldn’t miss your Captain. Or a friend. I’m just being-‘
‘The computer is not challenging enough at chess.’
‘…okay, and chess is boring, I get it…’
‘The bridge is more silent in your absence, and even though it is illogical, Alpha shift seems longer.’
Jim closed his mouth and bit his lower lip, trying to understand what Spock was trying to tell him with his words, with his eyes.
‘Interactions with other members of the crew, like Doctor McCoy, are more strained without you acting as a «buffer». My meals were spent in silence, and my evenings in loneliness.’
He took a slow step forward, his eyes never leaving Jim’s.
‘Meditation proved to be difficult, and sleep elusive. Logic and control lost their efficiency when faced with the knowledge that you were not on the other side of the wall, asleep on your own bed.’
He took another step, and his breath mingled with Jim’s own.
‘I came to the realization that even that bed was too far a place for you to be.’
‘…I missed you too,’ whispered Jim, taking Spock’s face between his hands and giving him a kiss that had been seconds, weeks, years in the waiting.