i am getting so hot, I'M GONNA TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF :`(
this is ridiculous. it was 90 yesterday, and it's going to be 93 today. our ceo, aka the OWNER of this brick (oven) building, refuses to turn on the air conditioner because he's THAT cheap. it's only 8:30am and it's already hot in here (i'm sweating). there's skylights up above, and yesterday nichole got sunburned while sitting at her computer! so i helped her duck tape a fricking umbrella on top of her computer so she doesn't get skin cancer. ughhhh. i hate this. i don't think i will be able to handle working here all summer long.
in much MUCH hawter (and happier) news, two sexy californians (rachel and asexis) are here this weekend and we couldn't be happier. it was funnuh cuz we held up a sign at the airport yesterday that said OMGZ ASEXIS WANNA WHISHKEY SKOUR? and this old man asked us to explain what it meant, but i think he was still confused, heh! i'm thinking of purchasing a lil kiddie plastic swimming pool tomorrow in honor of the guests. but only if people will swim in it with me (hmmm?). oh man, i wish i had one right now :`(.
hmm, i think i'm gonna put my hair in pigtails today. which reminds me . . .