May 26, 2006 16:23
I guess i no longer have wisdom?
I had those four teeth taken out at 9 this morning, it was so much fun, i dont know why i was so nervous they let you listen to your ipod, and they put this laughing gas mask on you. I couldn't find my hand, i didnt know where it had gone, and everything sped up, like breathing and tingleyness. MY TONGUE feel asleep it was such an experience, and as soon as they put the novacain in, my face started to enlarge and my mouth was like frozen open. I couldnt feel my lips but they were like 5 times bigger, which id say was pretty sexy. The docters and nurses were talking about hitting lines of vikadin and than christmas and food, it made me hungry. They told me at the begining if i wanted anything to say somthing, and at first i didnt think the laughing gas was working, and i couldnt realy move my mouth because i didnt know where it was so i just kept pointing to the gas mask, and they keep giving me more. I felt like i was a floating head in space with a some beatles music in the background. Than it ended and i didnt realy wanna move so i sat there and pretended i was asleep, but than the nurse walked me to this room with this comfy little bed with ice,and i laid there shaking and feeling my face and laughing histerically. Until my mom came in and starting making fun of me and i cried because it hurt to laugh so hard. and i cried because my face was so puffy and i thought i would stay like that forever, but now like 8 hours later and 10 cycles of ice packing my face is cute, i feel like i am a chubby 4th grader, which is not as bad as before.
lol, oh i had to fart during the operation but i didnt know how i would hold it because i didnt know i had a body, it was challenging, i am not realy sure if i ended up farting or not.