Hey! I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor. I’m in this communications research methods class and I need to get people to take this survey so we can get lots of fun data. So if you have a couple minutes to spare and can fill this out for me, that’d be excellent!!
The study is exploring attitudes about cell phone and cell phone behaviors. The survey is voluntary and anonymous. If you are interested in participating, please go to the following website.
http://www.frostcenter.org/cgi-bin/rws3.pl?FORM=CellPhone2006Before you can answer questions on the survey, you must read and agree to the consent form. If you agree to participate, be sure to make that selection and type in your name in the appropriate place. As a reminder, your name will NOT be connected to the answers you provide, so the survey is anonymous. Also, be sure to enter my student code in the survey. My participation grade in this class is affected by my ability to collect data, so this code provides proof that I’ve met this requirement. If you have already participated in this study, please do not participate again. Also, please do not discuss the survey with other people if they intend to participate in the survey. The survey should take you less than 20 minutes.
If you are interested in the results of the survey you may contact Dr. Johnston or Professor DeVries in the Hope College Department of Communication. Their contact information is located in the consent form on the website. My access code is: s0620 Thank you for participating! Heidi