Jun 05, 2006 13:46
So I arrived at work this morning and saw the windows open. Thought that odd, since they are never actually OPEN, as there are no screens on the windows. Then I see the garbage bags. And the caretaker inside the dining room with a broom. I'm greeted with, "so you know how you told those kids last week to sit at this end of the room? that might not have been so great an idea." That end of the room -- a curved end -- is where the kids always sit. They tend to be very distracted by a crack in the ceiling. But hey, ceiling cracks aren't *that* unusual, especially in 200 year old houses, right? And it didn't really seem to shift or drop powdery plaster or anything. Well, it skipped those steps and went straight to crash. The plaster had completely fallen to the floor. Powdery plaster everywhere. All over the furniture, the floors, everywhere. Chunks. And a group of 3rd graders was due an hour later. There's still work to be done, but those kids have come and gone. We're no longer taking anyone to that end of the room, since the ceiling isn't stable. Luckily it's a very large room, and the collapsing plaster ceiling is at the very far end. Visitors will now get to see 19th century lathe.
A group of 2nd graders is due here in 10 minutes. Hope the gray skies don't turn into rain before they leave. Want to avoid bringing them inside. they're here just for games.
What a start to the week!