(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 22:18

I haven't really had too much to say lately, partly because nothing that exciting has happened, partly because I've been too depressed to really care.  Last week I started a temp job at an insurance agency that was supposed to be a long term job, and I hated it but figured I'd stick it out through Christmas and earn enough money to pay my rent for January.  I worked last week, and I hated it more than anything, but I survived it, and on Friday people were talking to me as though I'd worked there forever.  I had to call out sick on Monday, becaue I've had a slight sinus infection this week, but managed to break the fever that came along with it and go in on Tuesday.  I went into that office, and was treated like a leper.  No one talked to me, no one said good morning, no one even acknowledged I was there.  I was sort of shocked, and more than a little appalled, when the receptionist explained that no one really ever calls out sick, and they see it as a bad thing.  I could really care a whole lot more, I suppose, if I was a different kind of person, but I began hoping that maybe they'd just ask me not to come back.  I ignored how I felt back in November, and I ended up with strep throat, so the last thing I  needed was to ignore something my body was telling me.  Sure enough, when I got home on Tuesday night, there was a message from the temp agency telling me not to return to the job the next day, that it just "wasn't a good fit."  I laughed so hard I cried.  Now, it's not really that funny, I needed that assignment, I need a flipping job, but I was only going to stick out that assignment for a little longer because I'd been such a nudge at the temp agency.  They, to their credit, were appalled by what I told them about the place, and by the fact that they were so shady about me.  People usually request me back, they've never had a problem with me.  So they're promising to find me something else, but I won't hold my breath.  Life just seems to be sinking deeper and deeper into the poo. . .

Last weekend was a party orgy.  It's no wonder that I'm so run down this week, I was at work by 10 on Friday (lateness due to the snow, a blatant lie I told because I was tired from partying on Thursday night), and didn't crawl into bed after a friend's Christmas party until about 4:30 or so.  I was up at maybe 10 for dim sum, and then up until, I dunno, 4:30 again at a party.  I went to sleep, and was up again around 10 to make it to football on time.  Then I was out having adventures until about 12:30, at which point my body just completely shut down.  It's my own fault, I spread myself too think, run myself too ragged, and then wonder why I'm so sick.  This weekend is going to be low key, because I can't really afford to do much else.

Next weekend is a balancing act.  Friday is Felice Family Christmas, which I actually have to take a day off for (if I'm even working).  I'm sure I'll update when it's over, but this always leaves me a complete and total crank, even with the self-perscribed scotch.  Saturday is going to be dinner with Mama eleanor and the girls, all at the girls' mom's house, and then possibly up to New Haven.  It all depends on if the CT family is going to midnight mass.  If they aren't, I'm just going to go up on Christmas morning, which will be awful cold, and lonely.  I'm glad the holidays are almost over, because the lonliness will lift sometime after March, and I can be me again until next November.

My brother finally sent me a check from my trust fund, which I managed to deposit yesterday.  This is when I found out that my bank account is so overdrawn that the check didn't matter anyway.  It's nearly all going to correct the overdraft, and it won't even be available until possibly next Wednesday, which leaves me without immediate funds anyway.  So, I've got a little bit of money in the bank that I can't even get at because I was so overdrawn the bank is holding it for five business days.  I should get a paycheck tomorrow, if I'm lucky, but that most likely won't come until Monday, and I'm beginning to realise that I'm going to start World Wars III and IV when I got up to CT for Christmas, because I'm going to have to ask for more money.  Jason likely won't understand, and hilarity will ensue, leaving me in tears and the family mad at me.  I simply don't have the money, and now being asked not to go back to the insurance agency means that my income is again limited to next to nothing.

Eventually, the universe will balance itself out, and I will have a fabulous job, and savings, and I won't be so darn . . .low all the time.  I just wish it'd happen soon. . .

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