Apr 02, 2006 00:01
I'm feeling detacted from people, I want to meet new people. I broke up with molly, and honestly I'm not even sad about it. I put so much effort into that relationship, and jack shit happened because it was all one-sided. I don't really feel like hanging out with the froshies anymore, I think a lot of them can be pretty immature most of the time. Now I'm just really frustrated relationship-wise. I've gone above my age group, below, maybe I just need to find someone my own age with less issues. That would be nice.
Me, Said and Zak went to Tommy's park on fridayand hung out with random people taht are vaguely known by some people that I don't know. It was really fun and they were fun to hang out with. We later hacked for a while and just did that for a while, it was really fun. We went back to my house and watched Karate Kid, a classica 80's movie. Wax On, Wax Off. Then we played fighting games till all hours trying to pull off crane style and kick some guy in the face. Yeah. Today I was going to hang out with sarah & macoy, sorry about that, but honestly, think about it, I would have been bored out of my mind I think. Maybe that's selfish, but at least gavin was there to watch.
Alright, that's all folks.