Aug 10, 2004 23:57
1. When you first met me, would you have ever expected that we'd become as close as we are?
I actually didnt think so. I had met a lot of Saugus people and really didnt think to remember most of them...I really only met some a couple times. We got lucky during Zombie Prom and became really close. I love you Cervanka!
2. Would you change your life if you could?
Yes, I would have started singing I could be good at it now. That way I could go to Saugus and sing with all of you.
3. Who makes you feel like you are a better person when you are around them?
Annie Neimand, Pat!, and You.
4. At what age did you know deep down that you were gay?
I think 2nd grade on the way to lunch. I was in line and and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Odd but true.
5. When do you feel the happiest?
Performing. Cheer, SCCMT, anything with an audience applauding. Shallow? Maybe I should have said when I'm volunteering, but I hate that. Nobody likes it, people who like it are just addicted to the feeling of goodness they get...which is selfish. So there is no way around being selfish all the time.