Oct 17, 2006 00:51
1. Explain what ended your last relationship? Technically nothing seeing as it hasn't ended!
2. When was the last time you shaved? this evening
3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Learning English
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Making flashcards
5. Are you any good at math? sorta, I got an 82 on my last test
6. Your prom night? Meh. liked my dress
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? Pilgrams
8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? yesssss
9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? "each night you can fall asleep assured someday I'll be coming home to you"
10. Last thing received in the mail? Nothing
11. How many different beverages have you had today? Water, and sparkling water, tea
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine? yeps
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Warped tour
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? yes
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? braces.
16. What is out your back door? College
17. Any plans for Friday night? Yes secret DPO one's
18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? yes the smell
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? no
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? yay for field trips
21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? yeah I don't like doing laundry
22. Some things you are excited about? Sat!
23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? None please
24. Describe your keychain(s)? Um Vera braddley
25. Where do you keep your change? Change purse
26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Today it's called class
27. What kind of winter coat do you own? Lovley Black pcoat, north face, and burton snowboarding.l
28. What was the weather like on your graduation day? sunny as hell. for Hs. college yet to be determined
29.Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? closed not into rape