Jul 07, 2006 16:20
So, I went to maine with the Renizisss. It was pretty horrid. The kids are just soo diffcult they acutally made me cry. Sometimes I don't know if I can handle them for the rest of the summer.
Went to Cape Cod and saw all of cousins and faimly and it was realllly great to see everyone. I was very Happy.
I took the bus monday fromm the cape to New bedford. Stephen picked me up and we spent the night there. We watched the fireworks that were set off on the campus quad. Tuesday we drove up to Essex and then NH to Stephens sisters. It was good except my stomach was killing. I called my doctor about it acutally.
Anyway.. Wens we went to Water Country which was fun. I had never been I had a good time. We left sorta early tho I think both of us were tired from all the driving. I've been like constantly on the move for like two weeks. Anyway I had a really good with Stephen We've been getting along well. Mostly helped form the fact that I acutlly voice my feelings. I don't know why its so diffcult for me to do so!!
Yah so things are goood. I've been seeing Stephen enough and we get along well if you knowwwww what I mean. haha. Umm and my fam is good. And im good besides my medical issues that are appearing.
Oh, but I am worried about Stephens poor Ear!! *crosses fingers*
I miss my skewl friends!!!