Aug 29, 2003 22:49
Wow. its been a long time since i have logged into this. A lot of stuff has happened and im glad they did. There are really 3 real things that have happened since the last time i have written in here. 1st is that i started high skool on mon and i love it. I get soo much freedom on what i can wear and who i can hang out with. i love it. 2nd is that i tryed out for the hs soccer team and i made jv! starter goalie to be excat. im soo happy i made it. Just about all the minnows made it so its like old times again. with the addtions of Mike Blakely who is awsome, Ben i dont know his last name. He is our captain and he is the sweeper. my and him command most of the backfield. 3rd and certainly not least is meeting hannah. Wow. when i 1st met her, that's wat i said to myself. wow. wat a girl. once i got to know her, i told myself, this is one in a million girl. she is one of the coolest, outgoing, wonderful girls i have and will ever meet. she made me feel like i could really like some1 again. then i got to know her more. and more. and more. it felt like i knew her all my life. then i actaully got the guts to ask her to homecoming. i was soooooo nervous. i swear i had change shirts in the middle of our converstaion lol. then i asked her and when she said yes i was soo fucking happy. then a week and a half almost 2 weeks goes by. i get to know her more. and more. and more. then i got the guts to ask her out. now i was sitting on this idea for at least 4 or 5 days. i just never found the nerve or the right time to ask her. Then at one point i thoguht she didnt like me anymore so i was about to gice up and keep it at friends. But then lindsey told me that i would be the stupidest person that have ever lived not to ask her out. she also told me that if i felt this strongly about some1, that i should take the cahnce and tell her and hopefully that she feels the same way. so i mustered up the courage to ask her out. 1st i went to her house and we hung out. i met her mom. she is very kool and funny. her dog reggie is funny cause he is soo lazy like me. wow i never anything could be that lazy lol. well then it was gettin the time when i had to ride home and get ready for soccer practice. we were outside and we were talking and i asked her. my heart stopped for that split second or 2. then she said yes. all i did was stare of a sec or 2 until it hit me. i was like YES inside. we hugged and i rode home. when i was riding home i rode by this lil kid and i was like, "IM GOING OUT WITH HANNAH!!!" he started to run away from me. i think i scared him lol. i was yelling that to random ppl until i got home. I felt like i was the luckiest man alive. that was one of the bestest events in my life soo far. then a week past and it was time for skool. the 1st day of hs was pretty kool. my fav class is 2nd and 3rd hrs. in 2nd hr i have hannah, matteo, joslyn, and tracy. and our german teaher is soo funny. then my 3rd hour is not stop laughs. i have jimmy, mark, derek, and ricky in ther with me. its just halirious all period long. Then the rest of the day its pretty fun. 1st hr goes by real slow, 5th and 6th hrs r ok i know some ppl in thos hrs but over all i have a pretty fun schedule. Now last night i was invited to go to the movies with kourtney, jos, and hannah. it was soo fun. right towards the end of the moive, the movie broke down and we sat ther for like 15-20 min waiting for the movie to start up again. me and hannah got some time to talk just the two of us cause jos and kourt had to go to the bathroom. i think that was the highlight of my night. jsut sitting ther with her. gosh i wouldnt of traded that time for anything. not even for a million $$$$. i dont think i would trade anytime with her for anything. she is the bestest grl i have ever met and prob will meet in my life. i cant wait till homecoming. i have everything planned out on where i want to take her for dinner, wat im wearing, wat the "ride" accomadtions are, and everything else. im sooo glad that im alive. im soo glad to know her. im soo glad that i have everthing that i need.:-D