thank god for friends

Jul 15, 2003 22:44

Well today i had a very good day. i pushed myslef in swimmin and i feel good about my self that i actually acomplished something. everytime i do something like that that makes me feel good about myself in my sport of swimming, i feel like im closer and closer to that olympic team spot. Then i went to c my g-ma and she is live and kickin' lol. she is doin great but still is tryin to get used to the whole walking bit. i think we shnould just buy her an electric wheelchair. lol. then i went over sam and matt's and i took matt to micky d's. he is like my lil bro. i practically raised him up with all my dirty lil tricks ;-D he wolfed down a 20 pc. nuggets and a small fri and i just had my usual #5 lol. but the real reason that i named today's entry " thank god for friends" is becasue of one grl that i havent even known for a year. i feel like i have known her all of my life. she is like my big sister. so far she has been ther for me in every way she can could. and i have tried my bestest for her. she said somethings that made me feel like i had a real purpose in life. she said : LiL HaLVeRSoN 33: im so glad we met, u dont even know, idk what id do w/o a friend like u, there arent very many ppl out there like u, and im glad i found ya :-).

Now im a guy and guys arent supposed to get teary eyed unles its one of those special occaisons. well even tho ther wasnt any big halls with lots of food and big awards. this was a spare the moment specail occasions that got my teary eyed. and i truly iwht all my heart thank her for that moment.
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