Oct 14, 2006 23:56
so over the summer i had this really good friend named timmy. everything was perfect between us. we say eachother everyday and talked about like everything. he wrote poems about how awsome i was and everything. it was so sweet. and now hes like i dont want you to be in my life and all this other shit and like i dont think i did anything. he wont even tell me if i did anything even. he was just like "leave me alone" and like it really hurts when someone who u opened ur life up to and who u open ur heart to just blows it up into a million peices and tear it apart. its like he had no sence about how much it hurts to have that done. but at the end of the summer he was on the phone crying to be becuase he didnt want to break up but we knew that we should becuase we knew that it was going to be to hard for us to not see eachother. i dont get it.....all i know is that its tearing my heart in half and he doesnt give a fuck.