Dec 11, 2004 23:49
I started writing this post and it turned into a rant soley for Jeff and Dane, so after some thought, I decided to post it, even though I know it will probably start drama. However, I am also leaving it open for other ppl to comment and tell me about anything that I may have wrong. I truly welcome the criticism and I am only saying all of this so bring the topic to the surface. I am tired of all the talking behind ppl's backs and everyone thinking it but not saying it. If I am wrong about you thinking it, let me know, because I think that most ppl share a lot of my same oppinions on this stuff. Silence is agreement, so tell me I am wrong if you think so. I just want to get past this, so that it can no longer be an issue with everyone.
I hate passive agressive cryptic posts that ppl don't have the balls to actually say to someone, so they say it in a way that they can deny it was about that person later. Speaking of being cryptic, I am not going to be, that was about Jeff. Just say what you mean, and say it to the ppl you mean it to. I am sure that most ppl would rather you just tell them you don't like them to their face, then have you be nice to them and then walk around behind their backs and talk shit. It is rude. Also, dont judge others when you have done things that they would consider worse than their own deeds. I would consider being perfectly sober and taking advantage of a drunk girl with a boyfriend to be worse than just getting drunk and acting stupid. That would actually put you on the other side of that whole "wake up next to someone you don't know thing", because she wouldn't remember, but you definitely would. Also, all of this judging ppl, and thinking that you are somehow better than them. Keep it to yourself. It has become somewhat ridiculous and annoying. Nobody wants to be friends with someone they feel is judging them all the time. If you don't stop it, you are going to end up sad and alone. You can't change some things about ppl, and if that is all you care about, then you are wasting your time and losing friends for nothing. If ppl that are close to you feel like they can't share specific aspects of their life with you because you would judge them about it, it is a very sad thing, and I dont think a lot of ppl would like to share things with you based your behavior right now.
Also, Dane, you say you don't discriminate against ppl for how they are. Well, why did you go off on Shannon about her decision to go to a new year's party with a friend she hasn't seen in a long time? She will be spending 3 whole days with her family on vacation, and I don't see the harm in hanging out with an old friend on one of those nights. Are you saying that if you were in her position you would never choose a friend over family, regardless of the drinking, because I don't think that is the point. That just happens to be what she is doing with her friend. Also, if you say you never choose a friend over family, than you would always be at home socializing with your family, and have no friends, so please do not lie. Also, I have not beed chastized for drinking, I don't see you telling rob not to drink, I don't see posts in John's lj about his drinking habits. If you are going to judge one person for something, than I think you should judge us all. But, oh yeah, wouldn't it be better just to not judge anyone. You can't make certain ppl have a problem, and other not when they do the same thing.
This is becoming ridiculous. If you don't approve of Shannon, than don't hang out with her. Don't talk to her. Don't try to get with her. You obviously only like for looks anyways, because you are trying to remold her entire personlity and values, so forget about it. I am sorry that I am putting myself in the middle of this, because it is really none of my business, but I am just tired of all the drama, so I am flat out gonna tell you what I think and what other ppl have also been saying. It feels like there is a giant crevace growing between you and everyone else, and it is sucking everyone in. You need to either get past your shit, or stop dragging other ppl into it and give it up. No offense, but I think that the two of you have a little growing up to do. I don't mean that in a mean way, because you are guys and you are biologically handicapped, it is just sad how petty and immature you are both being. I am not excusing Shannon from this, and maybe I have only gotten to hear a one-sided account, but I believe that all the lj's and hearsay are good enough to convince me to write this. I think you two are nice, and I would really like to be your friend, but the way that it is going, I am starting to have less and less respect for you, and the way you treat others. I am sorry if you no longer want to be my friend after this, but I feel that if you at least get one thing out of it besides more anger and hate, than it is worth it. I am really tired of seeing my friend shannon getting all stressed out, and I just want all this to be over.