Apr 22, 2008 05:17
Sleep deprivation reached a new level because now it seems like insomnia. Fun fun. Especially when you work nights through your pregnancy and your child decides to be awake more during the night than during the day.
Other than the sleeping issue everything is going well with oliver. He's totally gunna be a chunky baby and I can see it now. He eats like nobodys business. Now only if he could poop. Poor little guy is backed up due to all that iron in the formula.
As for me... im stressed. Not because of oliver but because of gram. She seriously drives me up the wall. I love her to death but she needs to stop 'stepping' on my toes with the baby. She always has a ngative comment on how I do somthing cos its not 'right' according to her, or its not how she did it.
I was denied for ny state disability for my maternity leave. So that screwed me over. So now im gunna try unemployment since adecco technically had to fire me because id be out more than 2 weeks, and they will rehire me after my leave. Which is stupid but what isn't stupid and fucked up lately.