Feb 08, 2010 14:47
You know what? I am happy. I am ok for where I am and the direction I am heading. The other day when talking to an older friend about my plans for this year she said I deserve it and that made me smile. I am big dreams and goals and no one is going to stand in my way. No one can stop me when I put my mind to something. I have a new strength in me and I am surprised every day at how strong I have become, especially with people who no longer deserve my heart or my love. It is like waking up to a new day and the sun is shining and you are walking along side a beautiful blue stream in the middle of an enchanted forest. I want to do a number of this this summer and so forth since I am able to. I want to plan a trip to FL, NYC, maybe a Raven's game, and maybe a cruise for the beginning of next year. I see a lot of changes coming and I am loving it. Suddenly things make so much sense and I am happy. I am not going to let brainwashed society zombies stand in my way of being me. I am better then that and for most of life I believe no one is better then no one, we are all equal, but in this instances, I am in a better situation then those who refuse to be themselves and let society tell them who they are to be and what they are to do. I know I think differently then most people and I love it. I love my Grad classes, because it gives me the opportunity to have intelligent conversations about meaningful things. I guess just to sum it all up, I am happy and I am glad I am here where I am :)
I am not sure when I will post again, so in advance Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends who are married, engaged, and in REAL relationships (If you need to know what I mean by real relationship...it's an inside joke and if you think hard enough you will get it :) ). Happy Valentine's day to all my beloved single friends who like me are happy single and know they can be single and do not need to be in a relationship to be seen as acceptable, and Happy Single Awareness Day to my friends who celebrate the day as such.
Remember, Life is only worth living when we are given a reason to wake up and there is always one. You just have to remember that reason is for you and you alone :D