MCPS needs to get a life and stop screwing up ours.

Jun 09, 2004 22:02

Science exam went pretty well, considering that I memorized every single question on every single test for the entire semester.(That's a hell of a lot of note cards by the way). I hope I did well, or I'll never study for anything again. And MCPS had to go and ruin it by sending 25 multiple choice questions and two crappy BCRs. The multiple choice was insanely dumb/what the hell were they talking about? Morris said he wasn't even going to grade the BCRs, so I totally wrote two sentences.HA.TAKE THAT MCPS.haha.ok....

Some other random kid came up to me and asked where I get all my amazingly cool Israel/Hebrew t-shirts(because I was wearing my Harvard in Hebrew shirt).I told him I get them "around." Seriously, what's with all the new-found people who stalk my shirts?

I decided that WJ is cool when its empty. Seriously. After the exam when Marie and I were just sitting in the "immigrant hallway"(across from the extremely sketchy locker with even sketchier signs on it.cough.) it was so cool. There was basically no one in the building,so it was quiet...and nice. School would be so much nicer if there was nobody there.

Speaking of schools, I was talking to Anabelle at practice and since her brother is in 8th grade I asked if he was ready to leave that____(I paused for a second) and she goes "hellhole" which was exactly what I was about to say.But we all knew that NB is a hellhole already.

I didn't study for spanish.Too bad.
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