May 13, 2007 13:15
Have you ever:
~had the feeling that something is creeping up on you from the shadows?
~forgotten who you are?
~just burst out crying for no reason?
~hated time?
~loved someone so much that you hated them?
~watched a friend self-destruct before your very eyes?
~wanted to go back?
~wanted to skip ahead?
~wanted to disappear?
~watched a movie just to cry?
~hated yourself?
~skipped in the rain?
~found someone you would give your life for?
~taken someone else's pain upon yourself?
~really listened?
~considered someone else's feelings?
~listened to the beat of your heart when nothing else could comfort you?
~found a song that describes your mood perfectly?
~actually been yourself?
~regretted something that brought you the most happiness?
~clung to something that would never last?
~been afraid to let go?
~wished things were what they seemed to be?
~just screamed to scream?
~gotten a hug that seemed to make all of your problems disappear?
~given a hug that made someone else's problems disappear?
~wished to never see someone again?
~wanted to never take your eyes off someone?
~almost died?
~wished you were dead?
~sung really off key because you can?
~just gone out for a drive to get away from everyone?
~purposely hurt yourself?
~run in the waves?
~sung Disney songs at the top of your lungs?
~fallen in love?
~felt accomplished?
~wished someone else harm?
~had a kiss that took your breath away?
~wished it never would end?
~hated something so much you cried?
~watched someone die?
~missed someone so much you got sick?
~skipped school?
~actually paid attention to politics?
~cared about someone enough to let them go?
~played dress up as a teenager?
~hung out with people you don't like?
~gone through stuff from when you were little?
~done something absolutely crazy?
~watched the stars from the middle of the golf course?
~written a list of things you wanted to do before you die?
~felt the end closing in around you?
Have you ever? Have you ever? Have you ever?
I have.