got this from cardz...

May 25, 2004 16:29

got this from paul.. and i'm bored so i thought i would fill it out!

## Series One - The usual
.....Name: Rachel
.....Birthdate: August 12, 1987
.....Birthplace: Mt. Clemens, Michigan
.....Current Location: HTP , Michigan
.....Eye Color: blue
.....Hair Color: brown w/ blonde highlights
.....Righty or Lefty: righty
.....Zodiac Sign: leo
.....Innie or Outtie: innie
## Series Two - Describe
.....Your heritage: 50% irish 50% polish
.....The shoes you wore today: adidas runners
.....Your hair: shoulder length usual up for school
.....Your weakness?: a few things
.....Your fears: ??? heights
.....Your perfect pizza: cheese & pepperoni
.....One thing you'd like to achieve: for our girls team to beat Romeo next season! We deserve it more!!
## Series Three - What is:
.....Your most overused phrase: no way or yea right
.....Your thoughts first waking up: urgh.. let me SLEEP
.....The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
.....Your best physical feature: eyes
.....Your bedtime: around 10:30 or 11
.....Your greatest accomplishment:swim times
.....Your most missed memory: my old best friend Samantha and my grandma Nana
## Series Four - You prefer:
.....Pepsi or coke: coke
.....McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
.....Single or group dates: group
.....Adidas or Nike: Adidas
.....Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
.....Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
.....Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
.....Boxers or briefs: boxers
## Series Five - Do you:
.....Smoke: nope
.....Cuss: a little bit
.....Sing well: heck no!
.....Take a shower everyday: heck ya
.....Have a crush: yea
.....Who are they: not posting on here
.....Do you think you've been in love: yea
.....Want to go to college: yes
.....Like high school: yea
.....Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yes
.....Believe in yourself: at times
.....Get motion sickness: not really unless i'm with Ang! lol
.....Think you're attractive: when i actually get ready i can be
.....Think you're a health freak: yea right... have u seen what i eat?
.....Get along with your parents: sometimes
.....Like thunderstorms: love them
.....Play an instrument: nope
.....Drank alcohol: once in a great while
.....Smoke: already answered this but incase you didn't get it NO!!!!!!!!
.....Done a drug: does medication count
.....Have Sex: nope
.....Made Out: yea
.....Go on a date: yea
.....Go to the mall?: yes
.....Eaten an entire box of Oreos: yea!!
.....Eaten sushi: yea and it was GROSS!!
.....Been on stage: yeah
.....Been dumped: yes
.....Gone skating: yes
.....Made homemade cookies: of course I almost burnt the house down
.....Been in love: yea
.....Gone skinny dipping: No
.....Dyed your hair: highlights
.....Stolen anything: maybe a cookie from the cookie jar but don't tell anyone that!!
## Series Seven - Have you ever:
.....Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
.....If so, was it mixed company: no
.....Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope
.....Been caught "doing something": no
.....Been called a tease: no
.....Gotten beaten up: no
.....Shoplifted: no
.....If so, did you get caught: no
.....Changed who you were to fit in: no
## Series Eight - The future:
.....Age you hope to be married: mid 20's
.....Numbers and Names of Children: 2 Devon & a girl (don't know what name)
.....Describe your Dream Wedding: 6 people on a beach then a reception at a later date
.....How do you want to die: at an old age in my sleep
.....Where you want to go to college: either GVSU or Oakland
.....What do you want to be when you grow up: RN (registered nurse)
.....What country would you most like to visit: Ireland or France
## Series Nine - Opposite sex:
.....Best eye color?: blue
.....Best hair color?: light brown
.....Short or long hair?: short
.....Best height: taller than me
.....Best weight: average
.....Best articles of clothing: depends...
.....Best first date location: also depends
.....Best first kiss location: under the stars
## Series Ten - Number of:
.....Number of people I could trust with my life: family and like 5 or 6 other people
.....Number of CDs that I own: too many to count
.....Number of piercings: just my ears
.....Number of tattoos: 0
.....Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: to many to count
Number of scars on my body: too many
.....Number of things in my past that I regret: I regret a lot of things....

If ANYONE knows who's been talking crap and leaving rude comments.. please let me know!! It's getting really annoying not to mention flat out RUDE!

Thanx to ALL the people who have my back! I <3 u all!

I want to apologize to the person I wrongfully accused... I'm really sorry! I hope u can frogive me. U know who u are... I don't think I have to post it on here. please forgive me tho!

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