Extra Extra Read all about it!!!

Oct 01, 2006 15:21

Monarch is just around the corner!!

First Meeting: Friday, October 13th
When?! 7:30 am {I'll double check on that and get back to you}
Where: Ms. Hoyts room on the 3rd floor

What is the Agenda: To introduce you to Monarch, let you know what we're about and what the commitment is. If you arn't sure about Monarch, but want to know what its about to make a decision, then come..all is welcome!! If you are interested fill out the permission slip and we would love you to be a part of this wonderful Cancer Volunteer Team opportunity. At this point monarch is mainly at South High and approved to be a group at south high. If you don't attend south high but are still interested you can still contact us and get information!

Main email: monarch_volunteers@yahoo.com
President's email {Brittany Dahlen}: monarch_president@yahoo.com

Visit Us Online!!

Mailing Address:
6640 Lyndale Ave. S.
Suite #110 PMB #206
Minneapolis, MN 55423

::Very Important News::

This comming up Wednesday, October 4th our first Volunteer Opportunity is here!!
We will be Decorating the Children's Hospital Mpls, Oncology floor. We will be painting windows and hanging decorations for Halloween. This will start at 6:00.

For more information email or contact Brittany Dahlen our president for details. More hands the more we can get done!

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