Sep 06, 2006 16:44
What is about you
that always seems
to brighten my day?
Part of me is anxious.
Wants this.
The other part,
the bigger of the two,
is scared to death.
& this feeling is new to me.
This feeling of unsureness.
[yes, I made that up]
Maybe that's what scares me.
I know I don't want to break anymore hearts.
Especially your's.
& why is that??
What is it about you?
And who would have expected this as an outcome?
That's for sure.
I need to take a leap.
I know I do.
Because with time, everything will be just fine.
I've never needed so much time.
It's never felt so risky.
Again. why this time? why?
You make me oh-so-nervous sometimes.
& do you know how many guys hate you right now?
I can be quite the challenge.
I hope you know that.
on another subject:
I have big plans.
Or maybe just high hopes.
High hopes for big plans!
Yes, that's it.
Oh gawd of planmakingandworkingout,
Please let these plans I made work out.
"She says that we're all tied up
and wrapped around
in useless states of mind."