I felt like posting on live journal again, which is something I haven't even looked at in a long time.
The past few months have been full of fun and work, but I'm really looking forwards towards summer.
I've volunteered during Carnival for the past 6 days counting today. One of the days I was there for more than 12 hours, and the rest were over 8 hours, and fortunately today it was only 6 hours, but all in the pouring rain.
The week before that I was taking finals, having 3 "different finals" for chemistry, one was a group poster presentation, one was a take-home section, and another was an in-class part.
But enough with all the crappy stuff I've done recently, I have also had a lot of fun the past month or so.
People from Early College have been doing night Frisbee every Saturday at 10:00pm, and we play for 2 or 3 hours, and it’s just a real blast.
I was also selected to be one of the intern coaches for the summer swim team, so I'm really looking forwards to that.
Jumping to yet another cool thing was that I got my final grades back for my classes and I got 1 A, 2 Bs, and 1 C, but that was a C+, and it was in Organic Chemistry at that, so I'm pretty satisfied.
Also prom wasn't all that long ago. I had an awesome time with that; it was the first time that I showed up to a dance with a date, which is a ton more fun than just going alone.
Here are some pictures from it:
Also on the note of hanging out with people, what probably drove me to get on LJ again was I've been really happy the past couple of days, since I got to hang out a good deal, in the past week or so, with a person I have really liked, and things seem like they are working out pretty well so far.
But that wraps up my little rant that updates people some on what has been going on with me for the past month or so.