
Jun 08, 2004 22:07

im too pissed off to write. things have been generally alright in my life. but im just getting very irritated with my family. way too easily if you ask me. i think its because i only see them late at night and by them i am very tired. like today, for example, i come home STARVING @ 9 and there are no fucking biscuits that i was expecting to eat for dinner with my easy mac. mind you, there were at least 5-6 when i left before school. theeeeen there were no chips for me to eat with the cream cheese salsa dip i bought and am so in love with. so basically that sucked. then i was so lucky to be able to sit down and work on my shitty final paper for 20th century. THEN my mother called me and was bitching because i didnt tell her when she was supposed to get the neighbor's paper. THEN she comes home and i try to talk to her. but she says to me, (and this is a direct quote) " i cant talk now kelly, i have to call joe." FUCK YOU. seriously. she could have said anything else. and i wouldnt have been this pissed. shes still on the damn fucking phone and i dont even care. i am so sick of that shit. but im not supposed to tell her taht i really care because then she gets upset and cries. im not allowed to have an opinion. she makes the money. and i cant survive without it. money isnt all that matters, but what the fuck else am i getting? okay so maybe thats harsh. yeah my mother is wonderful. but hey when was the last time i saw her? and then whenever i even joke around about how shes never home i get shit for it. sure its great that i can have freedom because she isnt here. and i know i would probably complain just as much if she was here but still. i mean im leaving soon and i will have freedom. what the fuck happened to family dinners and actually spending time with us? its the fucking boyfriend. if shes not there then hes here. im sorry but hes not part of our family. great that he makes her happy but what the fuck about all of us. im so sick of everyone pretending. im the only one who will tell it like it is. it may be harsh, but fuck the truth hurts.

and that was me being too pissed off to write...
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