Quick Thoughts

Sep 19, 2005 23:57

So there's this girl at my work that I am falling for big time. And she is currently in a relationship. Story of my life. But I can't help but wonder if that's my fault or misfortune. Because earlier tonight I was workign with her, and we were talking and we asked each other what type of people we struck each other as. And she told me that I strike her as the type of person that likes what I can't have. And that I would probably like a girl a lot until she likes me back and it's easy, then i stop liking her. I don't agree with her, but it's interesting that she says that because that has happened to me a few times in the past. I don't know if I have had enough examples of that to actually say it's true though. Cause for the most part I like the girls, they end up having boyfriends, and they never like me. So I would never know if I would have stopped liking them once I had a chance.....who knows.

I sure don't. But I do know that this is the most I have liked a girl in a long time. And at this point it's hopeless. However, The other observation I've made lately is how many guys I feel don't have much to offer are with girls that are really cool. I used to see couples and think, why is that guy better than me? Now I look and I generaly think, man that girl would be way better off with me. Tim and I pretty much talk about that on a regular basis these days. And it's definately true.

I would also like to mention that I think towing companies are messed up. Towing in general is not fare. It practically forces people to drive drunk at times. And they charge you an arm and a leg for YOUR CAR. It's bullshit. At the very least they should tow it back to your house. That way people can get rides home, and then have their cars when they wake up. Then they can send you a bill for the towing fee. And it would actually benefit the towing companies more because they would no longer have to have those huge lots where they keep the cars to pay for. they would just have to pay for their trucks. I don't see why this isn't a logicall conclusion the to obserd towing situation that we currently have.....oh yeah, fuck jack in the Box too.

me - "hey jack in the box can I have the number to where you towed my car?"
jack - "we don't have anything to do with that."
me - "So who called them and had them come tow my car from YOUR parking lot?"
jack - "we did"
me - "So what's the god damn number?!?!!"
jack - "Chipotaple??"

P.S. CourtTV is the most interesting and antertaining channel there is. I love it.
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