Jan 24, 2008 13:30
it hurts my soul, to see the apathy of my generation. to know, that merely 45 years ago, a group of college students changed this country with the civil rights movement. they risked their lives facing vicious incessant mobs, that wanted no part of equal rights and a government who was reluctant to protect their constitutional rights. however, dispite this opposition, within 4 years, they changed 300+ years of segregation and immoral laws in the south. now when i hear the 18 year old kid who doesnt want to vote because they dont think their vote will matter, im infuriated. the misinformation campaigns have worked. people who refuse to protest the war because they feel they cant change anything. those same students, through MASSIVE direct action, after 10 years of course, managed to force our government out of vietnam.
until people of my generation realize that change does not come from the top, but from the bottom, then nothing can be done. you dont get change sitting around and waiting for it to happen. you have to force the change upon people. get in their face ideologically. convince them of your rights as a human being. stop killing one another in the ghettos, stop resting your hopes on that joint, and on that bottle. get off your ass and move if you want your life to be better. stop letting them raise your tuition. go get those scholorships and those grants to go to college. stop havin babies at 13, use your head. get up! stand up!