Jun 02, 2006 17:06
b e s t
1. Male friend: Mark, Bobby, Fritz, Blake
2. Female friend: Celeste, Dani, Kris
l a s t
1. Person you saw: Nelson, Steve, Chris. All at once.
2. Talked to on the phone: Ma.
3. Hugged: Blake
4. Text: "Beers tonight? Bub."
5. Messaged over myspace: My eigth grade Volleyball coach..weird eh?
6. Wearing: Shorts, sports bra. It's fucking hot here. Deal.
7. Better than yesterday?: Considering yesterday? YES.
t o m o r r o w
1. Is: going to be a long ass day
2. Got any plans: Work. With Asshole Bob. Fuck.
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: BOB, and I am still in EL alone.
4. Likes about tomorrow: I may make money on tips?
f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 15, 7
2. Color: Blue
3. Season: SUMMER
c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: three someones
2. Mood: Delightfully bored..and sweaty. Think about it.
3. Wanting: to rewind to a month ago when MSU was way fun
Q: First thing you did this morning?:
A: woke up to a phone call from blake saying he JUST made it. I dropped him off at his first flight on Wed. May 31..
Then Downed 2 cups of coffee..
Q: Last thing you ate:
A: some pretzels
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?:
A: yea
Q: What's annoying you right now?:
A: What isnt annoying me right now?
Q: What's the last movie you saw?:
A: Madagascar. Loved it.
Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?:
A: yea, if you are down for the work
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
A: Indeed
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Fuckin' Consumer's Power---which took me an hour to get to bc of shitty directions. Note to matt: Say something about me and shitty directions, you will die.
Q: Who is the last person you called?:
A: Tom
Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?:
A: Yea
Q: Do you have any siblings?:
A: 1, Lyss
Q Do you smile often?:
A: Yea
Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you too?
A: I would hope so?
Q: Choose to have (love, beauty, creativity):
A: Love
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Yep, Always have, probably always will
Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: Yea, Sometimes that gets me in trouble and ends badly
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:
A: my own
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: Grey and Green
Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?:
A: At work, Bitching about how CJ got fired..
Q: When is the last time you saw your mom?:
A: Wednesday Morning
Q: Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?
A: Way more guy friends. Most Girls are too dramatic.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Wednesday. Lots of stress got to me. Hate that.
Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: eh, It depends on the topic. And once I hit the point of anger, it is going to be a while before I am cooled off.
Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
A: Nothing else to do with the no one around here? Then I guess I should go to bed.
Q: Take any vitamins?
A: Multi-vitamin
Q: What are you about to do?
A: make dinner. i think i'll take up cooking now that i am alone
Q: What song are you listening to right now?
A: That 70's Show
Q: Would you rather be single or in a relationship?
A: Relationship
Q: Do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?
A: Yep
Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10.
A: 6.
Q: Would you say that most people who just met you, like you?
A: Usually. I am pretty Sweet. I would rock your world.