Aug 18, 2005 14:48 the other night while im trying to sleep I get a call at about 1:30 in the fucking was Amanda...go figure! She cracks my ass up. She was telling me about her beating the shit outta Brittney S.! Its about fucking time someone beats her ass...she needed it a LONG ass time ago! HmmM...what to do..? Well I hope that Alicia doesnt get in trouble for that...that would suck hardcore. Speaking of Alicia, I think that I will call her now...! *Please Hold* Shit nevermind..I forgot that I was on the internet. Ha
So last night Chris, Tyler, Rene, Gordo, and I all hung out at the fair for a little bit. That was about the lamest thing I've done in my life. Marshall's fair sucks ass dude. Their fucking fair-es-wheel is like the size of one of our barns. Like tall wise. It sucks so hardcore. So after sitting around the fair for like a half an hour we decided to take off. So Gordo splits from us so that he can go home. I called Greg to get some money so that I could eat. So we went to Greg's work to get money. That was a bitch cause I was like so confused it wasnt even funny. He ended up giving me 10 dollars. So we all went to Arbys and I bought Tyler,Chris, Rene and I food. We got the Arby's 5 for 5.95 arby melts. Rene is a veggie so she was like flippin out cause she was so hungry but she didnt want to eat meat. So, she ended up eatting it. Tyler had 2 of thy arby melts. Chris and I and Rene had one. lol...Then Chris and I shared some curly fries. They were so mother fucking good. We tried to get ahold of Andy to see if he wanted to hangout, but there was no answer at his house. So that was outta the question. Oh well. So Chris and I got dropped off at his house..we watched American Pie 2 and then went to sleep. Yay, oh yeah..Chris smoked a little. I havent been up to smoke since I threw up the other night. Eh, oh well though. I suppose that its better for my health not to smoke any weed.
Eh, well then...! Well then. Chris is getting ready to go mow the I think that I will get off of here so I can go watch some Lifetime! YAY!
I just wanted Caitlyne, Amanda, Karyn, Rocher, Kay*see, Alicia, and Jessica to know that I miss you guys so fucking much! I really do. Even though Kaysee hates me..oh well...I still miss her! Alright well then..Im gone...I think I might call Alicia too! Later...!